Explicit FTPS Reception - “Parameters” -> “Advanced”
In this section the variable substitution, the adapter-specific parameters and the adapter channel status are defined.
“Variable Substitution (Target Directory/File Name Schema)”
If the flag “Enable” is activated, variables can be defined to be used in the file name or in the target directory name by putting %<var.name>% in this fields, where <var.name> is the name of the variable defined in this section.
A table will be shown where the “variable name” - “variable value” can be defined.
The variable value can be the value of an attribute of the message header or can be the value of a payload element.
If the variable refers to an attribute of the message header, the prefix message: must be added in the variable value of Reference. The following attributes of the message header can be defined:
sender_party, sender_service, receiver_party, receiver_service, interface_name, interface_namespace,
message_id (message ID with hyphens, for example 9fbe1ff1-9a0d-11d9-8665-cbf10a126331)
message_id_hex (message ID in hexadecimal format, for example 9fbe1ff19a0d11d98665cbf10a126331)
For example, to define the “interface name” from the message header in the “target directory” or the “file name scheme”, should be introduced message:interface_name as the “reference”.
If the variable refers to an XML schema element, the prefix payload: must be added to the information of Reference. The reference must be defined with a pseud path with a comma-separated list with the following schema: namea,na,nameb,nb,...
namea,nameb,… refers to the “name” element and na,nb,... refers to the position of the “name” element in the corresponding level within the document.
To refer the value of the element marked in gray, the following expression is used: payload:root,1,e1,1,e2,2
The parser searches the first occurrence of the root element in the first level. Later, it searches the first occurrence of the e1 element in the second level and the second occurrence of the e2 element in the third level. The content of the last element (“Example Value”) is the value given to the variable.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<g attr="abc">text</g>
<g attr="abc">text</g>
<e2 attr="fghij">Example Value</e2>
“Adapter-Specific Message Properties”
Use Adapter-Specific Message Properties: Enables the selection of values contained in the message header for the selected properties.
Fail On Missing Adapter-Specific Properties: When it is enabled, if the property reported in the message header is not found, the message processing in the adapter will fail. If it is not enabled, the message processing will ignore the property keeping the value defined in the channel.
The following properties can be selected:
File Name: Replaces the name of the file to be created. Technical name of the property: “FileName”, namespace: “http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File”.
Directory: Replaces the path of the directory containing the file. Technical name of the property: “Directory”, namespace: “http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File”.
File Type: Replaces the type of the read file (binary or text). Technical name of the property: “FileType”, namespace: “http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File”.
File Encoding (only if File Type is selected): Replaces the encoding of the read file. Technical name of the property: “FileEncoding”, namespace: “http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File”.
Temporary Target File Name Scheme: Replaces the name of the temporary file for the data transmission. Technical name of the property: “TargetTempFileName”, namespace: “http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File”.
“Adapter Status”
Status: Allows to disable the adapter completely so it cannot be activated from the runtime workbench. Two possible values:
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