7. b+ Secure Key Store Configuration.

7. b+ Secure Key Store Configuration.

Certificate management:


The path to access the application has the following nomenclature:


Create the TBAIcert user assigning it the role “es.realtech.pi.rol.creden.firma.AdminCert”(Follow the procedure in point 3.8 of the manual).

We modify the password to: XXXXXXXX

The application is protected with a role that must be assigned to be able to manage certificates, this role is:

es.realtech.pi.rol.creden.firma.AdminCert. So if the user trying to access does not have that role assigned, then the following home screen will appear.

If the user does have the assigned role, then when accessing the certificate management application you should see this screen:

Accessing the option "Search" you can see the certificates that are registered:

For each of them there are a series of fields that provide information:

Note: The client uploads their certificates through the B + certificate management platform.


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