SCPI services configuration

SCPI services configuration

There are the following SCPI services:

  • /EDGE/CO_TB_SCPI_SI_OS_FIRMA_F - TBAI signature service

  • /EDGE/CO_TB_SCPI_SI_OS_ENVIO_L - Shipping service LROE / BATUZ

  • /EDGE/CO_TB_SCPI_SI_OS_GENERAR - Service to obtain TBAI code and QR image

  • /EDGE/CO_TB_SCPI_SI_OS_ENVIO_T - TBAI direct shipping service (Guipúzcoa and Álava)

To configure the endpoints of these services, you must access the SOAMANAGER. For each of them, the following steps should be followed:

1 - Create the logical port

2 - Mark manual configuration, establish the default logical port and indicate a name:

3 - In the Consumer Security section, indicate the username and password of the service (must be provided by the SCPI team)

4 - In the Messaging section set the value "Suppress ID Transfer" in Message ID Protocol:

5 - In the Transport settings section, inform "URL Access Path", "Computer Name of Access URL" and "Port Number of Access URL" (these data must be provided by the SCPI or communications team):

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