BAdI Enhancement Spot: /TBAI/ES_BADI_MAPEOS
This enhancement point has the following BAdIs:
/TBAI/BADI/BADI_MAP_FE_ALTA_122 → Modifies the mapping of class /TBAI/BADI_MAP_FE_ALTA_122.
/TBAI/BADI/BADI_MAP_FE_BAJA_100 → Modify mapping of class /TBAI/CL_MAP_TBAI_FE_BAJA_100
/TBAI/BADI/BADI_MAP_LROE_FR_ALT_101 → Modify the mapping of the class /TBAI/CL_MAP_LROE_FR_ALT_101
/TBAI/BADI/BADI_MAP_LROE_FR_BAJ_100 → Modify the mapping of the class /TBAI/CL_MAP_LROE_FR_BAJ_100
/TBAI/BADI_ADJUNTOS → Modify the name of the attached files, has backup class /TBAI/CL_BADI_ADJUNTOS
/TBAI/BADI/BADI_MAP_LROE_FE_ALT_102 → Modify the mapping of the class /TBAI/CL_MAP_LROE_FE_ALTA_102
/TBAI/BADI/BADI_MAP_LROE_FE_BAJ_100 → Modify mapping of class /TBAI/CL_MAP_LROE_FE_BAJ_100
/TBAI/BADI/BADI_MAP_LROE_FESS_A_101 → Modify mapping of class /TBAI/CL_MAP_LROE_FE_A_SSG_101
/TBAI/BADI/BADI_MAP_MAP_LROE_FESS_B_100 → Modify mapping of class /TBAI/CL_MAP_LROE_FE_B_B_SSG_100
/TBAI/BADI_EXTRACCION_SAP → Modify extraction mapping of class /TBAI/CL_MAPEO_ABS
To implement these BAdIs the following steps will be done:
Creation of Enhancement Implementation of the Enhancement Spot: /TBAI/ES_BADI_MAPEOS
Add a BAdI Implementation of the BAdI to be modified.
Implement the implementation class.
Example of implementation class for the BAdI /TBAI/BADI_EXTRACCION_SAP:
In this example the bbdd NIF is changed by customer request.
Avvale 2024