Management of non-relevant batches - Determination method
Within the functionality for the management of non-relevant batches, there exist three methods for the determination of a non-relevant batch:
- Non-relevant batches rejected according to the error code of their intermediates: This option will mark the relationship; between the intermediate and the batch, as non-relevant if the error code of its intermediate is listed in the table / EDGE / SII_ERELEV, this table is rechable from the scope menu:
Intermediates within rejected batches, subsequently accepted in another batch: This option will mark the relationship; between the intermediate and the batch, as non-relevant if the intermediate has been rejected and subsequently accepted in another. For example, if we have a rejected batch with 5 intermediates and on another batch we send those intermediates and later on accepted; the first rejected batch will be marked as non-relevant, as all intermediates inside this batch are subsequently accepted.
According to the process status of the batch. If the batch has one of the process status set up in the table / EDGE / SII_SLNR, then the batch will not be relevant. (This determination method does not mark anything in data bases as the status is defined directly). The table / EDGE / SII_SLNR is reachable from the area menu:
An entry example for this table would be as follows:
It indicates that the process status "Discarded" is for non-relevant batches..
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