LROE monitor general functionality - Batches

LROE monitor general functionality - Batches

In the Batches tab the following functionalities are available:


Select the corresponding line and click on the View XML button.

The XML of the selected batch will be displayed.

Important: The XML is generated online, based on the data and the existing configuration at the time the action is executed.


Select the corresponding line and click on the Historical button.

A pop-up window will be shown with the historical record of the states through which the selected batch has passed.

When there is a status change made through the exceptional processing functionality, the Tram. Exc. box will be checked. To be able to differentiate it from automatic status changes



Select at least one batch and click on the Exceptional processing button.

A pop-up window will appear that allows you to select the new status that the batch will have.

Once the new status that the annotation should have has been selected, a confirmation window of the action will be displayed.

Important: Depending on the initial status of the batch and the new status to be processed, the confirmation message may vary and there may be other subsequent confirmation messages.

After confirming the action, a message will appear confirming that the status change has been successfully executed

The exceptional processing of lots is based on the following flow:


Select at least one batch and click on the Delete button.

A pop-up window will appear confirming that the batch has been deleted.

Important: batches are only allowed to be deleted if they have one of the following statuses:

  • Lot created

  • Error mapping records

  • Transform to XML failed

  • Send failed

  • Error appending send XML


Select at least one batch and press the Process button.

Once the action is executed, the batch is sent and processed and then the status changes based on the response from the AT.

Batches with Error processing response than contain annotations in the state No response, once the Invoice ID has been updated through the Report, may be processed again to recover that response. For more information: https://techedgespain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BTE/pages/2925461659


Select at least one batch and press the Download Attachments button.

A pop-up window will appear allowing you to find the location where you want to download the attachments of the selected batches.

Once the documents have been downloaded, a pop-up window will appear to confirm that the download process is complete.


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