File system installation
The installation of the "b+ SII" software in the SAP PI middleware also requires the deployment of some files in the filesystems of the server where PI is installed.
These files are in a compressed file in zip format that will be provided, with the name "com.techedge.zip".
This compressed file contains XML validation files against corresponding schemas (xsd extension), XSL-based transformations, and other resources such as style sheets (css extension) and images (jpg extension).
The resources contained in the archive must be (uncompressed) located at a location within the local File System on the server.
In case of having a cluster installation, it is necessary to decompress the file in each node that is part of the cluster, taking care that each node is deployed in the same destination path.
Note: Keep in mind that the destination path should not be too long to facilitate maintenance tasks and development of the configured scenarios.
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