BADI Referenced eDocuments
At the enhncement spot /EDGE/SII_COCKPIT_ENHACEMENTS the BAdI /EDGE/BADI_SII_REFERENCIADOS is located for the extension of referenced eDocuments accessed from the "Referenced" button on the Cockpit monitor:
This BAdI is called within the RECUPERA_COMPENSADOS method of the class /EDGE/CL_EDOC_SII. It is a BAdI without default implementation, and the interface contained in it /EDGE/IF_SII_REFERENCIADOS consists of a single method: GET_REFERENCIADOS that has as input parameter the GUID of the eDocument that is being treated and also has a changing parameter that is the table Of compensated returns the method of class /EDGE/CL_EDOC_SII. This table can be extended to suit the client in this BAdI to show in the Cockpit the referenced documents.
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