VAT code exceptions
In this transaction the VAT indicators are parameterized with the special regime of cash criterion (07), so that the eDocument of collections/payments requested by the AEAT can be generated. And the other VAT indicators with special regimes such as IGIC (General Indirect Canary Tax) and the indicator that refers to the successive tract.
Views in b+ SII:
The configuration indicated in this table takes precedence over the regime informed in the table of "Conditions of creation of intermediate eDocuments", so that, if in this table the regime 07 has been informed and in the invoice it applies a VAT informed in the exceptions With a 07 regime, in the XML is going to indicate the regime 07.
• Combination of various regimes
The AEAT establishes the possible combinations of regimes, which is the task of the consultant his correct configuration for the correct combination according to the AEAT.
According to the indicated combination, the schemes in which an additional scheme is accepted are:
• 05 Special regime of travel agencies
• 06 Special regime VAT group advanced level
• 07 Special regime cash criterion
• 11, 12, 13 Local business leasing.
b+ II by default will combine the schemes when any of the above apply. The order to inform them in the XML is the following:
• Key 07 will always be informed first.
• Key 05 will be informed the first one except that key 07.
• The key 06 must be the first key when it comes with key 11, 12 and 13.
When combinations of schemes other than those listed above are combined for those that are not If you expect an additional regime, b+ SII will inform you:
- The first regime in the table "Conditions of creation of intermediate eDocuments"
- If an exception is entered in the "Exceptions of VAT indicators" table, it has priority over the "Conditions of creation of intermediate eDocuments", and the information indicated in the table will be informed.
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