Log level per circuit
This transaction is parameterized when entries must be created in the SLG1 log. This parameterization is done by circuit which is a concept that tells us in which flow we are (creation of eDocuments, management from the cockpit, reception of messages via RFC, etc.) and by the severity of the message to be saved, can be parameterized For a circuit to record all messages, only errors and warnings or only errors.
Range of circuit values:
Fixed Value | Short Description |
COCKPIT | Cockpit |
ALARMS | Alarms and sendings |
EDOCS | Intermediate Generations |
RECEPCION | Recepit of the messages from middleware |
AUTO | auto-generation and the batches sending |
SOCIEDAD | Consulta y carga de sociedades |
CONCILIA | Conciliación SII |
ISU | IS-U |
NIFVAL | Validación de NIF |
Scope of log severity level values:
Fixed Value | Short Description |
0 | ALL |
1 | Warnings and Errors |
2 | Errors only |
This parameterization is done from the transaction /EDGE/SII_CU_045, an example of it would be the following:
Note 1: For all circuits without entries in the parameterization, a level of log 0 is assumed and all messages will be saved. The parameterization of this table is not automatically transposed and must be generated manually in all environments. |
Nota 2: For a mass redoing we recommend to parameterize this table for the "EDOCS" circuit with level "Errors only" or "Warnings and errors" so as not to saturate the log in the SLG1. |
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