1.2.10. SAP Keystorage configuration (Only if being used)

1.2.10. SAP Keystorage configuration (Only if being used)

dinpro →  Create the role in the EMU and assign it to the user who is going to upload the certificate.

We entered the Netweaver Administrator (http://host:port/nwa)

In the search engine we put the word "key" to find the KeyStorage. You can also first access the "Configuration" tab and then the "Security" tab where the Key Storage will appear.

Access the Key Storage and go to the Default view.

On one hand we have to import the Private Key and on the other the certificate. In a similar way as shown in the image:

To import the certificates, just give Import Import. For the Certificate we select "X.509 Certificate" and a file explorer will open where we will select the corresponding .cert file.

On the other hand for the Private Key, we return to Import Entry and select the type of key depending on the file if ".p12" will be a PKCS#12 key, while for ".p8" it will be PKCS#8 in both cases when going To import it will ask us the key to decrypt. If everything has gone correctly the entries will appear in the list of view entries.

Generation of the certificate from the Private key

To do this step we can do it in 2 ways:

Option 1: SSL

Starting the openSSL executable

Locate the private key within the corresponding path, in the example c:\temp. In the same way, indicate the path where the certificate is generated
Command to execute:
pkcs12 -in C:\temp\1.p12 -nokeys -out C:\temp\cert.crt

Once the command is executed, the System requests the password of the private key and ends the process.

Retrieve the certificate from the given directory

Option 2: Export the certificate via Windows

Una vez instalada la clave privada accedemos a Opciones de internet->Contenidos->Certificados

Export button. The system will open a Wizard with the different options.

Select DO NOT EXPORT PRIVATE KEY and then select the marked format option (X.509 base64 encoded)

Once exported, you have the certificate associated with the Private key.

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10. SAP KeyStore configuration (only if you use it)
10. SAP KeyStore configuration (only if you use it)
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Avvale 2024