1.2.8. Search_Manage certificates
1.2.8. Search_Manage certificates
By accessing the "Buscar" option you can see the certificates that are registered:
For each of them there is a series of fields that provide information:
- Alias:Ā The alias of the certificate in the application.
- Activo: Indicates whether the certificate is active or not.
- VersiĆ³n:Ā The version of the certificate in the application.
- Alias certificado:Ā The alias of the certificate. Obtained automatically in the load.
- SubjectDN:Ā Obtained automatically on load.
- ThumbPrint: The ThumPrint of the certificate. Obtained automatically in the load.
- VĆ”lido Desde y VĆ”lido Hasta:Ā The validity of the certificate. Obtained automatically in the load.
- MailGroup:Ā Mail that must be reported on discharge. In the creation of the certificate, you can enter the email of the contact person responsible for the certificate in this field. This is useful, for example, to contact if the expiration date approaches.
There are a number of buttons that allow:
- Ver Detalle:Ā See certificate detail.
- Actualizar: Refresh data from the table..
- Eliminar LĆ³gico:Ā Disable a certificate.
- Eliminar:Ā Delete certificate from DB.
- Eliminar LĆ³gico Todo:Ā Disable all certificates.
- Eliminar Todo:Ā Delete all certificates from the database.
- Activar Certificado.
, multiple selections available,
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