1.2.12. Create SAP PI development user

1.2.12. Create SAP PI development user

You must create an SAP PI user (SII_user) for project team with permissions to:

- Development ESR (unrestricted)

- Integration Builder Configuration

- Monitoring

- SLD Management

Access the "SAP Netweaver Administrator" in the following url:


Configuration→ Identity Management 

Go to "Settings" to know the data source in which the users will be created by default:

In this case the data source is the ABAP system.

Click on "Create User" and create the SII_user user.

Password: XXXXXXXX 

Go to the "Roles assigned" tab and assign the necessary roles to the SII_user user. Find the roles listed below and click on Add. When finished, click on SAVE.

The roles are as follows:

   - ESB and EB Development → SAP_XI_CONFIGURATOR
                                                     Group SAP_XI_DEVELOPER
                                                    Composed by: SAP_SLD_DEVELOPER, SAP_XI_DEVELOPER_ABAP, SAP_XI_DEVELOPER_J2EE

   - Monitoring                          → SAP_XI_DISPLAY_USER_J2EE, SAP_XI_RWB_SERV_USER, NWA_READONLY
                                                    SAP_XI_MONITOR Group
                                                    Composed by: SAP_XI_MONITOR_ABAP, SAP_XI_MONITOR_J2EE, SAP_SLD_GUEST
                                                    If there is a dual stack: SAP_XI_BPE_MONITOR_ABAP

   - SLD Management              → SAP_SLD_ORGANIZER

   - Single Service Administration, consumer proxies → SAP_JAVA_WS_ADMIN_BIZ

Import of the role "es.realtech.pi.rol.creden.firma.AdminCert" for the user SIIcert

Import the role of techedge for the user "SIIcert" for the management of the certificates. Go to "Import".

Indicate the path of the role and click on "Load"

See that the role "es.realtech.pi.rol.creden.firma.AdminCert" has been created

Assign this role to the user "SIIcert" following the same procedure explained above.

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Avvale 2024