/ Initialize and reset the software update manager Initialize and reset the software update manager


-  You have fulfilled the requirements for the update.

-  The SAP system and the database have been started.

-  You have registered SUM in the SAP Host Agent as described in SUM Register in the SAP Host Agent.

-  The version of SAPCAR that is referenced in the PATH environment variable is identical to that found in the kernel directory. In addition, there should be no reference to any other version of SAPCAR in the PATH variable.

-  You have downloaded and unpacked the latest version of the Download and unpack the software update manager and the software packages you need for the update.

-  When using Internet Explorer, you must ensure that the URL corresponding to your system appears in the "Reliable" security zone. To do this, proceed as described in the Internet Explorer documentation.
-  In the case of a SUM reset, the errors have been corrected as described in the Troubleshooting section.


- Open a web browser window.
- In the address bar, enter the following URL
Replace <SID> with your system ID.
1129 is the https port of the SAP Host Agent.
If SSL is not configured, use http instead of https at the beginning of the URL and use port 1128:
Http: //<hostname>:1128 lmsl/sumabap/<SID>/doc/sluigui

In the dialog box that appears, enter the user name <sid> adm and the password.
We update the SAP Host Agent.

We register the SUM in the SAP Host Agent and select the dual stack part.

Copy the link in the internet explorer browser by modifying the link as follows:

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