/ SCA Deployment via JSPM SCA Deployment via JSPM

To perform the SCA deployment, it is proposed to use the graphical deployment tool "JSPM" (although there are other alternatives in PI) whose boot script is located in the following server path:

  • "usr/sap/<SID>/<INSTANCE_NAME>/j2ee/JSPM".

The boot scripts are as follows:

  • go.bat For Windows environments
  • go.sh For Unix environments

We have to run this program with the user <sid> adm.
When you run the "Java Support Package Manager" startup script, the following window opens:

Next, a new window opens in which the password of the user with deploy permissions must be entered:

Once connected to the JSPM appear a set of options from which you have access to various functionalities.
To perform deployments you must select the tab labeled "New Software Component (advanced user only)" and highlighted in red in the following image:

Select the software component SC_COMMON_LIB and click on the Next button.

When the deployment is complete, the following summary screen appears. It is necessary that the Status is "DEPLOYED" and there were no problems during the deployment:

Finally, click Exit to complete the installation.
We must repeat the process with the rest of the SCAs in the following order:

  • Any additional SC provided

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Avvale 2024