/ Prerequisites Prerequisites

Installing the Tomcat Base System 8.5.



  1. Installing JVM

The recommended version for running Tomcat 8.5 is on Java SE 7.

You can use Java virtual machines that are compatible with different platforms. For more information:


2. Installing Apache Tomcat 8.5

You can download the Tomcat binaries from the following address: http://tomcat.apache.org/.

If you require detailed information to download and install Tomcat you can follow the following link:


(The following guide shows the installation of Tomcat on Windows)

Login to the system as administrator:

Select the port to be used within the installation:

Choose the folder where the Java virtual machine that we are going to use is installed:

Choose the folder where the Tomcat will be installed

At the end of the installation you can check if it is installed correctly by opening a web browser and accessing this address: http://localhost:<puerto_configurado

3. Install Database

b+ SII Dashboard requires the installation of a database where you store both application data and transactional information data.

Currently the solution is available for two databases:


4. Deployment of web services

In the JEE container the WAR file corresponding to exposed SOAP Web services is displayed: SII-Services.war

In the case of Tomcat, it will be copying the WAR file in the folder '/ Webapps'. If the server is already booted, it will be deployed automatically, otherwise it will have to be started by the script '/startup.bat' in the case of Windows, or '/catalina.sh start' in the case of Unix

5. Deployment of   web application

In the selected JEE contention the WAR file corresponding to the dashboard is displayed: SII-Dashboard.war

As in the previous case, for Tomcat, it will be copying the WAR file to the '/ webapps' folder. If the server is already booted, it will be deployed automatically, otherwise it will have to be started by the script '/startup.bat' in the case of Windows, or '/catalina.sh start' in the case of Unix


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Avvale 2024