B+SII Dashboard Release 1.7.6.- Release Notes
B+SII Dashboard Release 1.7.6.- Release Notes
BSII-1209 | Add page to notifications |
BSII-1210 | Include a Refresh button in Batch Creation |
BSII-1201 | Display active profile (SqlServer, MySql, Oracle) as part of system information |
BSII-1257 | Modification and creation buttons reprocessing and hiding columns |
BSII-1333 | Update the total amount of records according to the paginated search, taking into account all records, not just the page shown |
BSII-1233 | Update the total amount of the records according to the paged search |
BSII-628 | Loading of batches already sent and previously processed by other systems by means of the "Consultation" operation |
BSII-614 | Filtering of statistics by origin/companies of the main filter set by the user |
BSII-1237 | If there is an error in the sending of lots does not remain the lot as not sent |
BSII-1253 | Error when editing a company code without Assigned Administration |
BSII-1293 | Error when saving Middleware properties |
BSII-1277 | Error creating an alarm type with a repeated ID |
BSII-1278 | Deleting and Deactivating Company Codes |
BSII-1332 | Error downloading CSV |
BSII-1337 | Scheduler connection problems with BD when hot deploying |
BSII-1336 | Oracle does not load the current day's number of notifications |
BSII-1338 | Error when restarting the alarm engine from the Dashboard |
BSII-1208 | Cannot save favorite searches for non-administrator users |
BSII-1352 | If reprocessing is incorrect save all the information by discarding the field with reprocessing problems |
BSII-1213 | My SQL generates exception when modifying Mail Properties |
BSII-1236 | Oracle generates exception by deleting a favorite search and does not disable alarms massively |
BSII-1298 | Oracle does not display the DB in System Information |
BSII-1300 | Oracle shows no message of success when modifying global properties and connection to Middleware |
BSII-1315 | Alarm Inbox Update Button |
BSII-1316 | Alarm Settings - Does not filter the Notification Channel field |
BSII-1317 | Batch creation - AEAT Result icon not displayed |
BSII-1324 | An error is displayed when viewing the batch creation change history |
BSII-1340 | When filtering by ledger and transaction an exception is generated |
BSII-1341 | Not all records that the screen can support are displayed |
BSII-1342 | FUSE does not send response for batches created in Dashboard with My SQL |
BSII-1345 | My SQL does not show records of newly created batches |
BSII-1347 | My SQL batch reprocessing does not reprocess |
BSII-1348 | My SQL Create duplicate source does not display warning message |
BSII-1349 | Oracle, by modifying the technical user generates exception |
BSII-1350 | My SQL Obsolete by exceptional processing generates error in SAP |
BSII-1351 | My SQL Batches arrive with two AEAT responses with shipments in FUSE |
BSII-1233 | Favorite searches - clean up by selecting white in saved searches |
BSII-1234 | Displaying Logs |
, multiple selections available,
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