Installation by Software Component
There are two ways to get to version 1.7.2 of the Add-On B+ SII.
- FULL Installation. To install the Add-ON for the first time, follow the guide available in the next link: ECC Installation procedure as a Software Components.
- Version 1.7.2 installation. If the Add-On has already been installed and it just need to be upgraded to this version, follow the online guide that is available in this page.
Installation Files
This release provides 3 files to install:
- SP3 for Software Component TESII → TESII_100_700_SP3.sar
- SP2 for Software Component TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP2.sar:
Transport Request for FI-CA OSDK902010 Workbench and OSDK902014 custo:
To be able to install this version the product needs to be in the next level of suppot package:
- Component TESII →SP2 needs to be installed.
In version 1.7.2, SP3 for TESII is released, and it depends on the support package SP2, that depends on SP1. That is why all these SPs need to be installed in the system. In case the component TESII is installed to a SP lower than SP3, these SPs (needed) have to be added to the queue with the new SP3. This way, all the SPs will be installed.
- Component TESIICNC → TESIICNC needs to be installed to the support package SP1:
In this release, SP2 for TESIICNC is available and it depends on the SP1. This is the reason why SP1 needs to be installed in the system. If this is not the case, please add this SP1 to the queue with the new SP2 to be installed together.
- In the IS-U module, the product needs to be in the latest version, which is 1.7.0 IS-U with Hotfix 026 and Hotfix 028
Procedimiento de instalación
Log in the system in EN, Client 000.
T-code SPAM.
Load files SP3 for TESII and SP2 para TESIICNC. (Load all the SPs that need to be installed with them).
Select component TESII.
All the SPs that are going to be installed will be shown in green.
Press green check and NO
Press release.
Select bach mode.
Do all the adjustments for the SPAU and SPDD fases if needed.
Once the process has ended, press confirm queue.
Next, install the SPs for component TESIICNC.
Follow the same steps than for the component TESII but insted of selecting the queue TESII, select queue TESIICNC.
Release and confirm.
Finally, check that all the SPs have been installed correctly.
If the client needs to install the FI-CA part for the product B+ SII, the next transport request can be imported.
Installation process
Import transport request OSDK902010 Workbench and OSDK902014 Custo. (Available in the B+ portal
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