/ Extension BAdIs for SII VBC mappings Extension BAdIs for SII VBC mappings

All mapping extensions follow a common protocol when it comes to implementation. First of all, it is checked in the mapping excel (provided in the technical documentation of the tool) which is the default assignment for each field. If this matches the customer's proposal for the deployment, then no further modification is required. If, on the contrary, the proposal differs, it is necessary to determine if there is a BAdI type extension that allows us to change the mapping so that it takes the requested value. All BAdIs that can be used to change the default consignment sales mappings are grouped under the / /EDGE/SII_MAPEOS_VBC extension point

Starting from this repository of extensions and checking the code of the GET_ESTRUCTURA_XML method of the class that applies to the mapping of the field in question, we can determine the existence (or not) of an alternative extension through BAdI. The new setpoint flow will have two BAdIs supplied. Those ending in the suffix "_C" only provide a series of methods without code by default and that we must complete with the corresponding mapping. Those that do NOT have a suffix "_C" provide a default base code that can be altered to suit the needs of each client. There are two BAdIs.

BAdIs with default implementation:

  • /EDGE/BADI_SII_MAPEOS_VBC_MM: This BAdI is used for fields to map in the consignment sales book for the MM part, the methods it contains are the following:

    • GET_CLAVE_DECLARANTE: Retrieves the declaring key value.

    • GET_CONTRAPARTE: Retrieves the data from the Contraparte block.

    • GET_SUSTITUTO_DESTINATARIO: Retrieves the data from the SustitutoDestinatarioInicial block.

    • GET_DEPOSITO: Retrieves the data from the Deposito block.

    • GET_INFO_EXPEDICION_RECEPCION: Retrieves the InfoExpedicionRecepcion block within the OperacionIntracomunitaria block.

    • GET_ID_REGISTRO_EXPINICIAL: Retrieves the IdRegistroExpInicial block within the OperacionIntracomunitaria block.

    • GET_DESTINO_FINAL_EXPEDRECEP: Retrieves the DestinoFinalExpedRecep block within the OperacionIntracomunitaria block.

    • /EDGE/IF_SII_MAPEOS_VBC_MM~GET_TIPO_OPERACION. Retrieves the TipoOperacion field.

BAdIs without default implementation:

  • /EDGE/BADI_SII_MAPEOS_VBC_MM_C: This BAdI is used for fields to map in the consignment sales book for the MM part, the methods it contains are the following:

    • GET_REF_EXTERNA: Retrieves the data from the RefExterna block within theOperacionIntracomunitaria block.

    • GET_NUM_REGISTRO_ACUERDO_FACT: Retrieves the data from the NumRegistroAcuerdoFacturacion block within the OperacionIntracomunitaria block.

    • GET_ENTIDAD_SUCEDIDA: Retrieves the data from the EntidadSucedida block within the OperacionIntracomunitaria block.

    • GET_REG_PREVIO: Retrieves the data from the RegPrevioGGEEoREDEM EoCompetencia block within the OperacionIntracomunitaria block.



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