HOTFIX 020' - Hotfix release issues with hotfix 020

HOTFIX 020' - Hotfix release issues with hotfix 020

IMPORTANT NOTE: This Hotfix replaces Hotfix 020 since it used a variable that only appeared in higher versions of SAP. To avoid problems with the versions install this hotfix instead of Hotfix 020.

Note 1: The order containing this hotfix is from workbench, then is independent from client. It is only necessary to install it on a client.

Note 2: This Hotfix includes Hotfix 017 and Hotfix 019.



1The status of the batch that appears associated with an intermediate is corrected in the cockpit, in the intermediate tab since it did not take the state of the last batch processedCorrection
2Correction check for authorizations by company in the cockpitCorrection
3ln the records tab, a batch that is not correct is associated with records without a batch. Correction
4The deductible quota is corrected: NAV and NVV operations should not be taken into account.Correction
5When there is retention, the total amount must be the sum of Base + Quota.Correction
6Incidents of the new automation functionality of the Invoice ID change are corrected.Correction
7The error code is displayed on the records tab in the cockpit.Correction
8The enhancement /EDGE/SII_BSEC_NIF_VAL is modified to avoid problems with SAP version.Correction
9Removes the Addon SII entry from the GVERS table.Correction

Installation instructions

  1. Access the customer portal and download the two files (.ZIP and .PDF). Read documentation about the hotfix.
  2. Unzip the .ZIP file and save the two files (data R900986 and cofile K900986) into the folder corresponding to the SAP client path.
  3. Import these two files to the server and then import the order OSDK900986.

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