/ SAF-T: Map data by country SAF-T: Map data by country
The standard class from which the implementations have to inherit is /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT
- Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT method: MAP_GENERAL_LEDGER_ACCOUNTS --→ Recover payments according to the parameters of the table /EDGE/SAFTPTA9.
- Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT method: MAP_HEADER_TAXACOUNTBASIS --→ Maps the TaxAccountingBasis field.
- Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT method: MAP_HEADER_TAXENTITY --→ Maps the TaxEntity field.
- Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT method: MAP_HEADER_INVOICES_FIELDS --→ Maps the InvoiceStatus, InvoiceType and ThirdPartiesBillingIndicator fields from the Invoice block.
- Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT method: MAP_TAX_PT --→ Maps the fields of the Tax block, according to the parameterization table /EDGE/SAFTPTAG.
- Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT method: MAP_EXEMPTION_CODE_REASON --→ Maps the TaxExemptionReason and TaxExemptionCode fields according to the table /EDGE/SAFTPTAG.
- Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT method: MAP_HEADER_MOVEMENTS_FIELDS --→ Maps the MovementType field of the StockMovement block.
- Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT method: MAP_HEADER_TRANSACTION --→ Maps the TransactionType field of the Transaction block.
- Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT method: MAP_HEADER_WORKING_FIELDS --→ Maps the WorkStatus and WorkType fields of the WorkDocument block.
- Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT method: MAP_HEADER_PAYMENT_FIELDS --→ Maps the PaymentStatus and PaymentType fields of the Payment block.
- Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT method: MAP_HEADER_TABLES --→ Method that fills attributes of the singleton class to map the fields of the parameterization table.
- Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT method: GET_CDPD_DATA --→ Map addresses for CPDs clients.
, multiple selections available,
Avvale 2024