2.1.4 SAFT Constants XML exporting table

2.1.4 SAFT Constants XML exporting table

Transaction /EDGE/SAFT_012:

In this table it will be necessary to customize some constants and values for the correct performance of the exporting phase in SAF-T product.

The fields to be customized are:

Country Country of the company code customized for the SAF-T file.

SAF-T Element: This field is a constant value that indicates a specific functionality. Copy the default value given in this page.

Position: This filed is another constant value that indicates the position of the constant. Copy the default value given in this page.

Value: Value of the constant for the exporting process. Copy the default value given in this page only for the section "Customize the beginning and end of the XML file".

Customize the beginning and end of the XML file

Two lines should be customized. The position I for the beginning of the file and E for the end of the file. In the value field you must indicate the value that you want the file label to have at the beginning and at the end of the file.

CountrySAFT ElementPositionValue
ESAuditFileI<AuditFile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="urn:OECD:StandardAuditFile-Tax:PT_1.04_01" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:OECD:StandardAuditFile-Tax:PT_1.04_01 .\SAFTPT1.04_01.xsd">

This will set the labels in the XML file:

Customize the Directory to save the temporary and final files

It will be necessary to create one new directory with two folders in the SAP server to be displayed in t-code AL11:

In this directory there should be 2 folders: FICHEROS and TEMP:

The TEMP folder will be necessary for building the final file in the process. It must be customized as the follow entry:

CountrySAFT ElementPositionValue

Where the Value filed is the correct path for the server folder created in SAP and the value for Country field will be the country for the Scenario.

In the FICHEROS folder there will have to be more folders inside. The correct path will be as follows:



Tenant. Example: TECHEDGE/

Origin. Example: BS_OSD001/

At this point 3 folders will need to be created: envio, processed and signed.

Two of these folder will be customized in the exporting table as follow:

CountrySAFT ElementPositionValue

Where the Value field of the position DOWNLOAD will be the path of the folder to download the XML and the position FICHEROS will be the path of the folder generating the XML.

The two routes can coincide

Avvale 2024