3.5.6 Benefit type configuration

3.5.6 Benefit type configuration

In order to include line items related with discounts, surcharges, rebates and other expenses into the XML report, the posting accounts must be identified through the following transaction

Captura de pantalla 2024-12-16 165812.png

Press New Entries to include all data needed. First, the company code and the G/L Account has to be set, then the TipoCessio can be selected from one of the following option from the drop-down list:

  • SC Sconto

  • PR Premio

  • AB Abbuono

  • AC Spesa accessoria

When posting on the customized account, the resulting XML will have a section that shows the benefit type chosen.


The customize value for this report example is:


Captura de pantalla 2024-12-17 090320.png


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