In the new version of the AEAT XML a new book is born that must be sent in case of generating more than 15 catastral references in the same invoice.
To generate this book, new types of eDocuments have been created for both invoices and batches.The new types of eDocuments for these invoices are:
Type eDoc | Description |
/EDGE/RC | Cadastral Reference Invoices |
/EDGE/RCB | Cadastral Ensure Reference Invoices |
/EDGE/RCBL | Batches of Invoices Ref. Cadastral Ensurance |
/EDGE/RC_L | Create batches for Ref. Invoices Cadastral |
/EDGE/RF | Ref. Invoices Cadastral for FICA |
/EDGE/RFB | Ref.Invoices Cadastral Deletion for FICA |
/EDGE/RF_B | Batches of Invoices Ref.Cadastral Erase FICA |
/EDGE/RF_L | Create Batches for Ref. Invoices Cadastral FICA |
In addition, the corresponding types of batches have also been created for this new book that need to be taxed to the regional agencies:
Type eDoc | Description |
/EDGE/RCAB | Batches of Invoices Ref. Cadastral Erasing Álava |
/EDGE/RCAL | Create batches for Ref. Invoices Cadastral Álava |
/EDGE/RCGB | Batches of invoices ref. cadastral erasure Guipúzcoa |
/EDGE/RCGL | High Batches for Ref. Invoices Cadastral Gupúzcoa |
/EDGE/RCVB | Batches of Invoices Ref. Cadastral Erasure Vizcaya |
/EDGE/RCVL | High Batches for Ref. Invoices Cadastral Vizcaya |
This book has a single operation for sending information, the supply. Which means no casualties are sent. What the AEAT has established is that, in case of canceling the corresponding issued invoice, a deleted invoice will be sent. For this, a deletion eDocument associated with this invoice will be created and included in a deletion batch. This batch will generate the XML of the invoice of the new book with empty cadastral reference fields.
To be able to generate the batch it is necessary to customizing it in the bach table: