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These indicators can refer to the sending of lots or registers. The behavior when accessing each of them is the same as that of the monitoring sections of batches or registers with the particularity that internally include predefined filters.

Batches processed in current year

This indicator shows all batches processed in a current period. 

Unanswered batches

Sent batches and without any feedback.

Today processed records

In this indicator, we can see all today processed records (invoices), to which batch belongs to and more details like a registry date and an amount of the invoice. By pressing at any record, we can see a record in a more detailed way. 

Unanswered Records
This indicator shows the records of which the AEAT has not received a response.

Records to fix in an origin

Invoices that present some mistakes and it should be modified.

Expired records

Invoices that have expired within the set time limit by a Tax Agency. 

Records in expiration

Invoices about to expire in a due time set by a Tax Agency. 

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