- Refresh: enable to make an update of the data
- Create a batch: new batch is being created, according with the established configuration which specifies a type of the batch for the eDocument.
- Mark as fixed: accepted with errors records, once the errors are fixed if you don´t change a statement from pop-up of the financial document, you can do it manually.
- Retained: you can retain a record in order not to include to send to a Tax Agency
- Released: a retained record may be released and to be included in the sending process to Tax Agency
- Add a batch: a record will be included in the existing batch
- Take out from a batch: a record will be out from the batch that was previously included and may be included in another batch.
- History: shows the different states that has been passing through an eDocument.
- Batch appendix: in an appendix, you can see a XML which was sent to a Tax Agency and the answer that we have Updates all Records data.
- Historical: Shows all the status that an eDocument has had.
- Indexed: Shows the compensated or referenced eDocuments for the selected Record.
- Exceptional processing: Allows to change the status of an eDocument into any other status. This function is only allow for the rol ZESI_ADM.
- Undo exceptional processing: Revert the status changed by the exceptional processing function.
- Batch appendix: Shows the XML sent to the Tax Agency and the answer received:
- Force forwarding actual XML: when technical rejection occurred, we stop trying to send it to Tax Agency, to go back to send once again we press this buttonAllows to re-send the file to the AEAT, when a technical rejection occurs and the sending process is stopped.
- Interrupt sending XML: in case of existing any error in a Middelware or a Tax Agency service, to avoid that Avoids the system tries continuously to send a batch continuously (sending of a batch is planned to do it in an automatic way by “a Job”), we press this button., when it exist an error in the Middleware or in the Tax Agency service,
- Discard a batch: Removes the eDocuments included in a batch are taken out from it and stays with a to include in a batch” statement or “fixed as appropriate”and change their status into "To be included in batch" or "Corrected”.
- Fixed a batch: when mapping error occurred, pressing this button we pass with a batch to a previous state that was before entering in mapping error.
- Changes the status into its previous status, when a mapping error occurs.
There exist a tool bar where to set filters, organize, look for, etc., like as in a the standard SAP reports.
From a cockpit you can navigate the cockpit its allow to navigate into a financial document by pressing on a the document number and from the records you can navigate a record that includesof the Record and it is also allow to navigate into the Batch where it is included: