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As the annual SAF-T file can be very large in size file. We have added a feature to make the scan process by sections. Once the scan process has been executed, the program will save the last date and the , so next scan can be done performed from the same date.
There is also the possibility of doing to perform the scan again from the beginning of the runidRun ID.

2. Save Data: The Check Scan: Allows to check the scan process in background. If the process has been completed It will allow you to proceed with the following steps.

The scanned data is automatically saved when the scan process is madefinished.

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Image Added

3. Check Data (manual check): All mapped information is organized according to the main structure listed on the left side of the Cockpit Monitor.


The structure changes according to the selected data and shows the information available for each position selected.

4. Check Scan: See the processes in the background of the scan.

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5. Create Output file: Generates the SAF-T file in XML version and storage the file into the directory customized in 2.1.4 SAFT Constants XML exporting table.
