Scan Data: With this button all the data of the corresponding scenario and runid will be extracted to intermediate database tables.
Once it has been mapped with the Scan data button. The next step is to save the data in a database, for that you have to press the next button:
In order to create the standard XML file, the following steps must be performed:
1. Scan Data: Extracts the data information; related with the Scenario/Run ID combination selected, into an internal database table of the Cockpit Monitor.
2. Save Data: In order to see the information into the Cockpit Monitor, the mapped data from previous step must be saved.
3. Check Data: All mapped information is organized according to the main structure listed on the left side of the Cockpit Monitor.
Each element can be checked by double click into the icon placed on the left side of each element and the information will be shown on the right side of the monitor.
Detail information of each position can be checked by double click on selected data.
The structure changes according to the selected data and shows the information available for each position selected.
4. Create Output file: Generates the SAF-T file in xml version in XML version and storage the file into the directory configured customized in 2.1.4 SAFT Constants XML exporting table.Download: Download the SAF-T file.
This step enables the validation process of the output file. Regarding the size of the data, this step may take a while.
5. Download: Allows to download the XML file into a selected folder. It must be saved with the extension .XML