Main TBAI Customizing

Main TBAI Customizing


In the "Main TBAI Customizing" section, the conditions that must be met for an FI document to generate a TBAI record and/or an annotation in the LROE, as well as their characteristics, are set.


The customization of entries in the "Main TBAI Customizing" section is divided into two segments.

In the first segment, the characteristics that the financial document must meet to generate a TBAI record or an LROE annotation are defined.

  • Company code (Mandatory)

  • Document type (Mandatory)

  • Tax code (Mandatory)

  • Posting Key (Optional)


The combination of fields in the first segment must be unique, following the priority order as follows:

1.- Company code/Document type/Tax code/Posting Key

2.- Company code/Document type/Tax code


In the second segment, the characteristics that the TBAI record or LROE annotation will have are defined.

  • Chapter

  • Subchapter

  • Entry type

  • Rectification code

  • Simplified invoice

  • Simplified substitution

  • Summary entry

  • Rectification type

  • Invoice type

  • Special regime key 1

  • Special regime key 2

  • Special regime key 3

  • Breakdown/Splitting (Issued invoice)

  • Breakdown/Splitting (Received invoice)

  • Self-consumption

  • Issued by (Self-Billing)


The "Posting key" field is optional, although it is recommended to always enter it to restrict the customized entry.

The "Subchapter" field, despite being displayed as optional, is functionally required if the "Issued Invoices (1)" option has been selected in the "Chapter" field. If the option selected in the "Chapter" field is "Received Invoices (2)", the "Subchapter" field should be left empty.


The "Main TBAI Customizing" section will store all the entries required for the creation of electronic records to comply with the TicketBAI and BATUZ regulations:

  • TBAI record creation for the Foral Councils of Araba and Gipuzkoa (TicketBAI regulations)

  • TBAI record deletion for the Foral Councils of Araba and Gipuzkoa (TicketBAI regulations)

  • LROE annotation creation for invoices issued with guaranteed software (TicketBAI) for the Foral Council of Bizkaia (TicketBAI-BATUZ regulations)

  • LROE annotation deletion for invoices issued with guaranteed software (TicketBAI) for the Foral Council of Bizkaia (TicketBAI-BATUZ regulations)

  • LROE annotation creation for invoices issued without guaranteed software (TicketBAI) for the Foral Council of Bizkaia (BATUZ regulations)

  • LROE annotation deletion for invoices issued without guaranteed software (TicketBAI) for the Foral Council of Bizkaia (BATUZ regulations)

  • LROE annotation creation for received invoices for the Foral Council of Bizkaia (BATUZ regulations)

  • LROE annotation deletion for received invoices for the Foral Council of Bizkaia (BATUZ regulations)







Company code

Identifier of the FI company where the condition applies.



Only one of the FI companies entered in the tableForal Council by Company code can be selected.


Document type

Type of document that must be considered for creating the annotation/record.


Tax code

The tax code represents a tax category that must be taken into account in the declaration to the corresponding Foral Council.


Posting key

Posting key that must be considered for the creation of the annotation/record.



In the case of issued invoices, the option "Issued Invoices (1)" must always be selected in the "Chapter" field.

Meanwhile, in the case of received invoices, the option "Received Invoices (2)" must be selected.



It is mandatory if the option "Issued Invoices (1)" has been selected in the "Chapter" field. In this case, the following should be considered:

If the issued invoice must generate a TBAI record (regardless of the Foral Council), the option "Issued invoice with guaranteed software (1.1)" must be selected in the "Subchapter" field.
On the other hand, if the issued invoice must generate an LROE annotation without a TBAI record, the option "Issued invoice without guaranteed software (1.2)" must be selected in the "Subchapter" field.
This option applies only to "Bizkaia".


Entry type

You select whether the annotation to be created corresponds to a "Creation (1)" or to a "Cancellation/Reverse (2)".


Simplified invoice

It allows you to check or uncheck if the annotation to be generated corresponds to a simplified invoice or not, in which case it is treated as a full invoice.


Simplified substitution

It allows you to check or uncheck if the annotation to be generated corresponds to an invoice that is issued as a substitution/replacement for a simplified invoice.


Summary entry

It allows you to check or uncheck if the annotation to be generated corresponds to a summary entry or not.


Rectification code

It allows you to select whether the annotation to be created corresponds to a corrective/rectification invoice, in which case one of the rectification codes must be selected from the following values:


Rectification type

If a corrective/rectification code has been selected, it must be specified whether it is a corrective invoice due to differences or due to replacement/substitution.


Invoice type

If the entry being customized corresponds to a LROE annotation registration entry belonging to the "Received Invoices (2)" Chapter, the type of invoice to be generated must be indicated.


The selectable values for this field are as follows:



Special regime key 1

It is mandatory to select the regime code with which the annotation will be created from the following values:



Special regime keys for issued invoices:



Special regime keys for received invoices:



Special regime key 2

Additionally, a second special regime key can be selected.



Special regime key 3

Additionally, a third special regime key can be selected.



Breakdown/Splitting (Issued invoices)

For annotations corresponding to invoices issued to foreigners, a breakdown/Splitting type at the operation level can be selected.

This operation-level breakdown/splitting type will be used by default in the creation of the annotation.


Breakdown/Splitting (Received invoices)

For LROE annotations of received invoices, the breakdown/Splitting type must be indicated.



Issued by:

For annotations that must follow the self-Billing workflow, the issuer of the invoice must be customized.

The allowed values will be on own account, on behalf of a third party, or on behalf of the recipient.


Currently, only the self-Billing worflow of invoices issued by recipients not subject to BATUZ regulations of the Foral Council of Bizkaia is contemplated.

To customize this workflow, the entry must be customized as "Invoice issued without guaranteed software" (Subchapter 1.2) and select the "D - Recipient" option from the drop-down menu of the "Issued by:" field.




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