Release notes 2.0
List of improvements Fattura PA V2.0 | ||
Nº | Type | Description |
1 | Fix | Error 4111 when processing SD invoices when posting |
2 | Improvement | Improved control of electronic invoice blocks |
3 | Improvement | A new step is added in the configuration of interpreter I1 for the accounting process. |
4 | Improvement | Confirmation popup is added when exiting the posting monitor. |
5 | Improvement | If an invoice is blocked by an user, the informative message indicates the user's name that is processing the invoice. |
6 | Improvement | In the posting monitor, the data entered in the ALVs will be saved in memory when changing cells. |
7 | Improvement | The payment method is retrieved from the XML of the invoice received into the screen form. |
8 | Improvement | Navigation to purchasing and accounting documents from the ALV of transaction /EDGE/FC_03 |
9 | Fix | Copying an entry from table /EDGE/EI_IT_BU did not update the change log correctly. |
10 | Improvement | New class /EDGE/CL_FC_INTER_EXE_IT for interpreters I2 and I1 |
11 | Improvement | New /EDGE/CL_EI_IT_RCV_SRV_CHANNEL class for received channel I1 |
12 | New functionality | Important: Setting Document Type for Incoming Invoices from Table /EDGE/EI_IT_BU. See manual tasks for more information. |
13 | New functionality | Status responses on issued invoices are stored and can be viewed from the "View Response Log" button of the transaction ALV /EDGE/FC_03 |
14 | New functionality | Direct flow to SDI through TCI (b+dgtal Cloud Integrator) to replace thirdparties (Infocert, Alfresco, Edicom). See more information. |
15 | Improvement | When posting an incoming invoice on the screen form, a warning will notify if there are differences in withholding taxes between data posted on the screen form and data reported in the XML. |
16 | New functionality | For incoming invoices, the customer is allowed to navigate from the ALV of transaction /EDGE/FC_03. |
17 | Improvement | Important: The /EDGE/EI_IT_CDDE table has been redefined for a better functionality. It is recommended to review the entries; before updating, in this table and then re-enter them if necessary. See manual tasks for more information. |
18 | Improvement | New configuration table to customize CausalePagamento field for Withholding Tax for issued invoices /EDGE/EI_IT_CP. |
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