Deliverable [SFTP]

Deliverable [SFTP]

The delivered file is a zip file, Solución_B+_sftpAdapter_PI74_v.<release.version>.<release.sp>.<release.patch>.zip

This file contains the following structure of folders and files:

  • The file “Techedge-Instalación y Configuración Adaptador SFTP para PI.pdf”, which is the present document, where the steps to install the adapter and to configure the communication channels in “Integration Directory” (ID) of SAP NW PI are explained.

  • The folder files contains:

    • SLD_PRODUCT_EDGE.zip: File with the product (EDGE_PI_SFTP) and the software component (EDGE_PI_SFTP 2.1) to be imported in SLD.

    • XI7_1_EDGE_PI_SFTP_2.1_of_techedgegroup.com.tpz: File with the software component containing the metadata of the configuration parameters of the adapter channels. These files are used to import the "Adapter Metadata" into the “Enterprise Service Repository” (ESR) of the SAP NW PI.

  • The folder sca contains the files of the “software components” (SC) forming the adapter.

    • realtech.com~EDGE_PI_SFTP~PI74~<release.version>.<release.sp>.<release.patch>.sca: It is the adapter SC. This is the file that will be deployed on the SAP NW PI server. The deployment process will be responsible for deploying the DCs that are included within the SC.

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