Job Check status
Se recomienda programar el report /EINVO/EEEEEE para que chequee el estado de los registros electrónicos que por algun motivo se hayan podido quedar pendientes de recibir el estadod en el que se encuentra.
Recomendamos programar el report para 1 unica ejecución diaria.
Tambien puede ejecutarse de forma manual en el caso de que sea necesario.
JOB Check status is a report that runs online the TCI service EstadoFacturaEmitidaUPWS. This service is in charge of checking the status of the invoices sent to Unified Post and which are in status 2109 (Invoice status pending). You will have to indicate the company fields, as mandatory, and the fiscal year, as optional. This programme can be accessed through the transaction /EINVO/RO_TR_005.
Once the process is finished, a popup will appear indicating the invoices whose status has been checked.
The messages only indicate whether the invoice has been processed correctly or not. To check the status you will have to check it on the monitor.
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