eInvoice Monitor Romania
This transaction /N/EINVO/RO_TR_001 allows access to the electronic invoice, when a FI document is created for Romania issued invoices and it meets the conditions configured in the corresponding creation condition tables, an entry will be created in the Romania monitor for each case.
Upon accessing the monitor, a filtering screen will be displayed where it is mandatory to select the type of report you want to access.
Once the report type has been selected, at least one of these two fields must be reported:
Electronic Invoice ID
Invoice entry date
The rest of the filtering fields are optional, and the user can restrict the data to be displayed based on the completed fields for searches.
Once one or more search selection fields are completed and the report is executed, the list will be displayed with the data that meets the selected criteria.
The e-invoice monitor allows the user to access more details through the following fields:
Electronic Invoice ID – Navigates to the details of the electronic invoice
Issuer ID - Navigates to customer data
FI Doc. - Navigate to Financial Document
Log - Navigate to transaction SLG1, where you can see the log of each shipment and the corresponding errors, if any.
Attachment - It generates a pop-up window with details of the files sent and the Tax Agency's replies.
Addressees - Generates a pop-up window with the details of the invoice recipients.
SD Doc. - Navigate to Sales Document
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