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This service will be available for the province of Gipuzkoa province from version 1.4 and from version 1.5 for the province of Araba.

Service enabled by the province of Gipuzkoa and Araba for the submission of additional data not included in the TicketBAI registration file.

The Osatu service allows the registration of information corresponding to the following fields:

  • External reference

  • VAT transmission amount

  • NIF (Tax identification number) of legal representative

  • NIF (Tax identification number) of counterpart representative

  • Registration number of billing agreement

  • Succeeded entity

  • Coupon

  • Properties.

Osatu file reception service

Once the TicketBAI invoice registration reaches status 6240, "TBAI invoice accepted," the Osatu file is automatically sent to the Osatu service for structure and data verification and validation. Upon completion of these checks, a response is received from the Osatu service indicating the status of the previously submitted Osatu file.

Similarly to a TicketBAI invoice registration file, the Osatu file may be accepted or rejected by the service. In case of rejection, errors must be corrected and the Osatu file must be resubmitted with the necessary modifications.

Currently, the Osatu service of Gipuzkoa and Araba is defaulting to rejecting all Osatu files. This is because when the invoice registration file is received, it is not immediately recorded by the Osatu service, so when an Osatu file is sent, it cannot be linked to its corresponding invoice registration file as it has not yet been recorded. This results in the error message: "TicketBAI invoice registration to be complemented does not exist in the system."

The solution is to reprocess the registration file after a reasonable period of time and resubmit the Osatu file until it is accepted by the Osatu service.


Osatu file correction service

When the Osatu file is rejected due to errors related to its structure or minimum content, the error must be corrected and the file must be resubmitted to the Foral through the "Reprocess invoice" button (General TBAI monitor functionality).

The required action for error correction will depend on the type of error as indicated in the following table:




Related to the issueing certificate or the identity linked to the issueing certificate.



Resend the Osatu file once the error has been corrected.

Reception service not available


Resend the Osatu file once the error has been corrected.

Related to the structure or minimum content of the TBAI registration file.



Resend the Osatu file once the error has been corrected.

Errors resulting from the rest of the data that must be reported in the Osatu file.


Resend the Osatu file once the error has been corrected.

The main file to be complemented must have been previously received in the system.


No action needed.


Osatu file deletion service

The Osatu service does not have a service for canceling Osatu files per se, instead it provides the option to directly delete the additional data file sent to the service, this action can be performed through the "Delete Osatu" button (general functionality of the TBAI monitor).

The deletion of a previously received Osatu file is possible by generating and sending an empty Osatu file to the Osatu service, which will respond with a confirmation of the deletion.

The "Reprocess invoice" button (general functionality of the TBAI monitor) can generate and send a new Osatu file after having sent an empty Osatu file (Delete Osatu).

Every Osatu file that is received by the Osatu service, overwrites the previously received Osatu file.

Osatu reception service flowchart


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