By means of this transaction it can be indicated if it exists, if there is any condition whereby the eDocuments must be automatically born in the "Hold" status. The logic is configured and, if it is fulfilled, the document is not included in an eDocument.
The fields to be filled in are the following:
Field | Descrition |
Number | Proposed Counter |
Table | Name of the table that is affected for the exception to be met |
Field | Name of the field that is affected for the exception to be met |
Sign | Indicate if it is an Inclusion or Exclusion condition |
Option | Type of condition to be met: equal to, between, less than or equal ... |
Low Limit | Lower Limit |
High Limit | Higer Limit |
Example configuration:
Want to not create eDocument for documents that are generated through a data set:
Intermediate eDocument status relation: