b+ Reprocessing monitor

b+ Reprocessing monitor

This tool allows you to reprocess all those accounting documents for which a record in TBAI and/or an annotation in LROE has not been created; either due to errors or due to the conditions configured for its creation.

Upon access, the fields for searching and filtering results set by default are displayed, which can be edited through the "Adapt Filters" button.



The "Reprocessing monitor" section will display the documents found in the system that match the data indicated in the search fields for which a TBAI record and/or LROE annotation has not been generated.



To carry out the reprocessing, you must select the documents and press the "Reprocess" button.

When reprocessing the document, the corresponding TBAI record and/or LROE annotation will be generated and it will disappear from the list to enter the TicketBAI monitor.

The reprocessing monitor will only display documents for which TBAI records and/or LROE annotations have not been generated. If, after correctly reprocessing a document, it continues to be found by the reprocessing monitor, it means that during processing, no entries configured for the generation of TBAI records and/or LROE annotations were found.

In this case, it is recommended to verify that the required entries for the generation of records and/or annotations are correctly configured in the corresponding sections of the Custom Business Settings.


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