B+SII SAP ECC Add-On 1.6.3
| SAP ECC Addon | Comments: IMPORTANT READ | Component |
1 | The description of an error in the get_importe_rectificativas method of the general BAdI has been corrected. |
| Correction |
2 | The authorizations checks of the annual operations programs by counterpart are changed by those that correspond. |
| Correction |
3 | Fixed when the exceptional processing pop-up is pressed "X" - Cancel, the behavior was not correct, it sent a wrong message. |
| Correction |
4 | It corrects the method get_auto_consumo of the BAdI of General maps for both issued and received: It is verified that the tax rate is always positive. | If this BAdI has been implemented, it is recommended to copy these lines of code in the implementation created. | Correction |
5 | The final class flag of the class /EDGE/CL_SII_CREACION_BAJAS is unchecked |
| Correction |
6 | A bug is corrected in the standard payment mapping in PR for partial payments. |
| Correction |
7 | Fixed an issue that prevented the correct refresh of the XMLs in the visualization of the cockpit. |
| Correction |
8 | In the self-retention update view, the generation of IDs is changed to be made by company and allow more conditions. |
| Correction |
9 | An incidence in the grouping by tax rate is corrected in the breakdown of FE in the case of non-Exempt provision of services. |
| Correction |
10 | For VAT indicators of exempt and not subject the deductible quota is 0, it is neither added nor accumulated. | If BAdI /EDGE/BADI_SII_MAPPING_REC is implemented it is recommended to update the changes of the GET_CUOTA_DEDUCIBLE method. | Correction |
11 | The time-by-notification check is corrected in the generation of new notifications through the program /EDGE/SII_NEW_NOTIFICATION. |
| Correction |
12 | Fixed an issue that prevented markup as obsolete in background reprocessing, in addition redoing will be done by recording order in BB.DD. |
| Correction |
13 | The text for the operation description is corrected when it is first semester. The text was not correct, corrected to "Record of the first semester". |
| Correction |
14 | The calculation of the equivalence surcharge is changed, in addition it is forced to have a single value per VAT rate, otherwise an exception will be triggered. |
| Correction |
15 | In cancellation of calls, the BAdI of low creation events is called with the parameter iv_an_allow_to allow customers to retrieve the invoice referred to by the canceled annunciation, to mark their eDocument as corrected and it can be forwarded. | Check if the BAdI /edge/badi_sii_creacion_dajas has been implemented and review the implementation of the get_doc_anulacion method to adjust the code for the caseload case (the method will be called with the parameter iv_anulacion_baja). | Correction |
16 | The special get_regimen method for the general mapping BAdI is corrected: When there were several cash criterion indicators there was an erroneous exception. | If BAdI /EDGE/IF_SII_MAPEOS_GEN is implemented it is recommended to update the GET_REGIMEN_ESPECIAL method changes. | Correction |
17 | The VAT breakdown is corrected. When grouping the detail table VAT by tax type, if it is 0 did not correctly group the breakdown (Invoices Issued and Invoices Received). |
| Correction |
18 | Fixed an issue that caused a slowdown of logic when a document was posted without positions in the BSEG and there were many entries in the table / EDGE / SII_CRE_IN. This process markedly penalized massive postings. |
| Correction |
19 | A new case for taxable investment is corrected so that it does not take into account the field entries KTOSL = 'MWS' for Invoices received and KTOSL = 'VST' for Invoices Received. |
| Correction |
20 | Incidents are corrected in the validation program of NIFs. | The program had a bug that caused that after a correct validation the rest of validations would be considered correct as they were or not. The execution must be repeated by unchecking the "Treat only NIFs not sent" flag. | Correction |
21 | The Correction pop-up of eDocuments when an accounting document is modified will not appear in background processes. |
| Correction |
22 | The special regime of the first half is added to the casuísticas of Invoices that can generate eDocument of CE / PR. |
| Correction |
23 | An error is corrected when trying to compare the first character of the invoice type when it is empty (this can happen when it is billing). |
| Correction |
24 | For VAT indicators of exempt and not subject the deductible quota is 0, it is neither added nor accumulated for self consumption. | If BAdI /EDGE/BADI_SII_MAPPING_REC is implemented it is recommended to update the changes of the GET_CUOTA_DEDUCIBLE_AUTO_CON method. | Correction |
Avvale 2024