B+ SII Dashboard Version 1.7.7 - Release Notes
B+ SII Dashboard Version 1.7.7 - Release Notes
BSII-1276 | Selection of mandatory company codes when accessing the application |
BSII-1331 | SII System for the Canary Islands |
BSII-1328 | Show Scheduler version and Services from the Dashboard |
BSII-1366 | Include pagination in the list of records of a batch |
BSII-1378 | Reflect as additional batch data if records are processed incorrectly |
BSII-1381 | Ability to reprocess all batches that have a gap between their actual records and those processed / stored |
BSII-1385 | Include green/yellow traffic light to show batch consistency status in System Information |
BSII-1386 | Show the list of lots in inconsistent state within the tile System Information |
BSII-1348 | My SQL - Creating a duplicate source does not display a warning message |
BSII-1394 | Shipments of batches from the Canary Islands with PI arrive without response |
BSII-1395 | Book of undefined properties in Dashboard for Canary Islands |
BSII-1396 | Null error when creating new lots in Canarias |
BSII-1397 | Error in filtering field Tax Agency in lots and records |
BSII-1398 | Batch Invoices/records referrals icon does not display referrals |
BSII-1399 | Shipment of lots with PI of Canary Islands does not mark the check of Canary Islands |
BSII-1400 | Analysis of rejected registrations does not show the new error codes of the Canary Islands |
BSII-1401 | Export of records does not show the field Canary Islands |
BSII-1402 | Export of lots does not show the fields Canary Islands and Inconsistency |
BSII-1404 | When accessing the external label of the CSV files takes us to the detail of the batch |
BSII-1405 | My SQL shows all lots of inconsistent Canary Islands |
BSII-1406 | My SQL does not display data in Batch Analysis |
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Avvale 2024