Modification of AEAT BAdIs

Modification of AEAT BAdIs

In order to adapt the existing mappings to the mapping of the Canary Islands, the implementations and signatures of some BAdIs have been modified. In the signature of some BAdIS methods, a new optional importing parameter iv_canarias has been created that indicates if the mapping being carried out is Canarian. If the calls to these BAdIs are made from Z objects (Z mapping classes) and you want to implement the mapping of the Canary Islands, it will be necessary to change the calls to these methods adding the new parameter.

Apart from the signature of some methods, the standard implementations of BAdIs with implementation have also been modified, so, if you have a Z implementation, it may be necessary to modify the Z implementation adapting this code to the new product changes.

All BAdIs and their modified methods are listed below.

Issued Mappings


  • Method /EDGE/IF_SII_MAPEOS_EMI~GET_CAUSA_EXENTION: In the call to the method get_regimen_especial the optional parameter iv_canarias is added. The code of this method is adjusted to adapt it to mappings of the Canary Islands.

          1. The call to the method get_type_not_subject is made with the new parameter iv_canarias.

          2. The access to the VAT indicators table /EDGE/SII_MP_013, is grouped in a method in the utilities class, /edge/cl_sii_utilities, where according to the value of parameter iv_canarias, the table /EDGE/SII_MP_013 is read for AEAT mappings or /EDGE/SII_CA_003 for Canary mappings.

          3. A new exporting parameter EV_DESGLOSE_NO_EXENTO is added to indicate when the breakdown is not exempt.

  1. Optional parameter iv_canarias is added to the signature.

       2. The access to the VAT indicators table /EDGE/SII_MP_013, is grouped in a method in the utilities class, /edge/cl_sii_utilities, where according to the value of parameter iv_canarias, the table /EDGE/SII_MP_013 is read for AEAT mappings or /EDGE/SII_CA_003 for Canary mappings.


  • GET_DETALLE_EXENTA method: The optional parameter iv_canarias is added to the signature. The implementation of the method is adjusted for its correct operation with the mapping of the Canary Islands.


  • DETERMINE_CONTRAPART_method: The new optional parameter iv_canarias is added. In the implementation of this method the get_nif_deudor method of the BAdI/edge/badi_sii_cons_razon_gen is called with the new importing parameter iv_canarias.

Issued ISU Mappings


  • GET_REGIMEN_ESPECIAL method: The new optional importing parameter iv_canarias is added to the method signature.
  • Method GET_INVOICE_TYPE: The new importing parameter iv_canarias is added to the signature of the method.
  • GET_CAUSE_EXENTION method: The new importing parameter iv_canarias is added to the method signature.
  • EN_NO_SUBJET method: The new optional importing parameter iv_canarias is added in the signature of the method.


  • Method GET_DATOS_CONTRAPARTE: The new optional importing parameter iv_canarias is added in the signature of the method. The implementation is modified so that it takes the correct mapping depending on whether it is Canary Islands or AEAT.


  • Method DETERMINA_REF_CATAST: New optional parameter is added in the signature iv_canarias so that when this method is called the mapping Canarias VS AEAT can be differentiated.



          1. New optional parameter is added in the signature iv_canarias.

          2. In the implementation of this method the parameter iv_canarias is added in the call to the method get_detalle and the implementation for the mapping of the Canary Islands is adjusted.

Mappings Received


  1. A new optional parameter is added to the signature, iv_canarias.

      2. In the implementation of this method, this parameter is added in the call to the get_nif_creditor method of the BAdI /edge/badi_sii_cons_razon_gen.

  • Method /EDGE/IF_SII_MAPEOS_REC~SET_SUBJET_PASIVO: The new optional parameter iv_canarias is added to the signature. The load of indicators is adjusted so that it is valid for the mapping of the Canary Islands.
  1. The new optional parameter iv_canarias is added to the signature of the method.

      2. In the get_regimen_especial method call, the optional parameter iv_canarias is added.

      3. The access to the VAT indicators table /EDGE/SII_MP_013, is grouped in a method in the utilities class, /edge/cl_sii_utilities, where according to the value of parameter iv_canarias, the table /EDGE/SII_MP_013 is read for mappings of the AEAT or /edge/sii_ca_003 for mappings of the Canary Islands


      1. The new optional parameter is added in the signature iv_canarias.

      2. The access to the VAT indicators table /EDGE/SII_MP_013, is grouped in a method in the utilities class, /edge/cl_sii_utilities, where according to the value of parameter iv_canarias, the table /EDGE/SII_MP_013 is read for AEAT mappings or /edge/sii_ca_003 for Canary mappings.

  1. The new optional parameter is added in the signature iv_canarias.

       2. The access to the VAT indicators table /EDGE/SII_MP_013, is grouped in a method in the utilities class, /edge/cl_sii_utilities, where according to the value of parameter iv_canarias, the table /EDGE/SII_MP_013 is read for AEAT mappings or /edge/sii_ca_003 for Canary mappings.

  1. The new optional parameter is added in the signature iv_canarias.

      2. In the get_regimen_especial method call the optional parameter iv_canarias is added.


      1. The new optional parameter is added in the signature iv_canarias.

      2. In the get_regimen_especial method call the optional parameter iv_canarias is added.


  1. The new optional parameter iv_canarias is added.

      2. In the implementation of this method the get_nif_creditor method of the BAdI/edge/badi_sii_cons_razon_gen is called with the new importing parameter iv_canarias.

General Mappings


  1. New optional input parameter iv_canarias.

      2. The implementation of this method is adapted for the mapping of the Canary Islands.

  1. New optional input parameter iv_canarias.

      2. The implementation of this method is adapted for the Canary Islands.

  1. New optional input parameter iv_canarias.

      2. In the select a la edocument the condition where canarias = iv_canarias is added.

 (This method is obsolete since one is created in the utilities class in order to be able to reuse it from the mapping of the Canary Islands.

  1. New optional input parameter iv_canarias.
  2. The implementation of this method is adapted for the Canary Islands adding the new parameter to the methods that are called inside of this implementation.

Consultation NIF


  • GET_NIF_DEUDOR method:
  1. The new optional importing parameter iv_canarias is added to the signature.

      2. In the implementation of the method the method map_counterpart_from_origin is called with the new parameter iv_canarias.

  • GET_NIF_ACREEDOR method:
  1. The new optional importing parameter iv_canarias is added to the signature.

      2. In the implementation of the method the method map_counterpart_from_origin is called with the new parameter iv_canarias.

  1. The new optional importing parameter iv_canarias is created.

       2. In the implementation of the method, the mapping is adapted for its correct operation with the Canary Islands.

Avvale 2024