/ ECC Installation procedure as a Software Components ECC Installation procedure as a Software Components

FULL Instalation

This installation guide is exclusively for:

  • New installations of the b+ SII product.
  • Migration of the product installed by transport requests to Software Components.

If the product is installed, and an upgrade of the version is required, access the versions section to obtain the installation guide: 5. SII Releases.

Latest version

Currently the latest available release of b+ SII  product is 1.8.0.

The Add-On for the b+ SII has two software components, the TESII component and the TESIICNC component. For the installation of the product it is necessary to install both components. As time goes by, new versions are released for both components, which is what is called the support package, SP. Below are the files available so far for the installation of the product by software component.

This installation procedure is necessary to install the b+ SII product in a system. There can be two situations, that the product is installed for the first time in a system that has nothing of the b+ SII, or on the other hand, if you want to switch to installation by software component having previously installed the b+ SII in the system by means of transport orders.

Installable files

In website https://oneplace.bplus.tech you can download the installation files for the b+SII Add-On software. The installers needed to carry out the installation are as follows:

  • TESSI Compoment→ TESSI_Addon.sar
  • SP1 TESII → TESII_SP01_100_700.SAR
  • SP2 TESII → TESII_100_700_SP2.sar
  • SP3 TESII → TESII_100_700_SP3.sar
  • SP4 TESII → TESII_100_700_SP4.sar
  • SP5 TESII → TESII_100_700_SP5.sar
  • SP6 TESII → TESII_100_700_SP6.sar
  • SP7 TESII → TESII_100_700_SP7.sar
  • SP8 TESII → TESII_100_700_SP8.sar
  • SP9 TESII → TESII_100_700_SP9.sar
  • SP10 TESII → TESII_100_700_SP10.sar
  • SP11 TESII → TESII_100_700_SP11.sar
  • SP12 TESII → TESII_100_700_SP12.sar
  • SP13 TESII → TESII_100_700_SP13.sar
  • Component TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700.SAR
  • SP1 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP1.sar
  • SP2 TESICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP2.sar
  • SP3 TESICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP3.sar
  • SP4 TESICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP4.sar
  • SP5 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP5.sar
  • SP6 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP6.sar
  • SP7 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP7.sar
  • SP8 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP8.sar
  • SP9 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP9.sar
  • SP10 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP10.sar
  • SP11 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP11.sar
  • SP12 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP12.sar
  • SP13 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP13.sar
  • SP14 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP14.sar
  • SP15 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP15.sar
  • SP16 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP16.sar

All TSII and TESIICNC component files, from the initial component to SP9, are located in the  release 1.7.8., Download section.

Rest of the SPs are in the corresponding higher release.


Once all the files listed in the previous section are available, check the requirements for installing these files.

  • First, the License Component (BPCORE) must be installed: b+ License ECC Add-on. It is enough to have the component installed to carry out the installation, it is not necessary to wait for the active license.
  • To have installed or, otherwise, install b+ Alarms component to SP2 as is indicated in b+ Alarms Installation Guide - ECC.
  • Before carrying out the installation, check that the following settings are correct:

Transaction SE03 - Display/Change Namespaces:

Select the name area /EDGE/ and set the "Namespace role" field. with a C (Recipient), in case it is not so.

If you had to change this customizing, save this setting in a transport request and transport it to the other environments. This transport does not affect the operation of the SII, so it can be done at any time, as long as it is before the installation of the SII with Software Components.

  • If the reason for this installation is to change the type of installation from order transport to software component, and the order OSDK901137 had been previously installed on the system, an adjustment needs to be made due to an inconsistency. To find out if the order has been installed on the system(s), go to transaction SE09, and click on the icon :

Press the green check button. If the order is in the system, perform the following manual task: CVERS Inconsistency

  • SPAM level 0064

Installing the Add-On

The procedure for loading the.SAR file into the SAP system is described below.

The installation procedure is mainly based on three phases:

  1. Installation of TESII component in its initial version 100_700.
  2. Installation component TESIICNC up to SP4 + Installation SPs TESII up to SP5.
  3. Installation component TESII SP6t o SP13 + Installation component TESIICNC SP5 to SP14.

1. Installation of TESII component in its initial version 100_700.

This first step consists of the installation from SAINT of the TESII software component in its initial version 100_700. To install it, follow the steps below.

Log in to the system with client 000 English language.

SAINT Transaction (make sure you have an updated Maintenance license, see Appendix 1 - Maintenance License: Appendix 1- Maintenance License).

In the top menu navigate to Package -->Load Package-->From Front End.

Load the one from the TESII component.

Open the file and if the next pop-up appears select Allow.

This performs the decompression of the.SAR and adds the Add-On to the SAINT buffer.

Click on Decompress.

Once uploaded, you will get the OK to transfer the Addon to the system, and the following message will appear:

Perform the same action for the ACP of the TESII component.

Important: When unzipping these files, they should be saved in the /usr/sap/EPS/in path. If the. PAT files are saved and decompressed in a different path, they must be moved manually to the /usr/sap/EPS/in path and then uploaded back to SAP from SAINT or SPAM with the option 'from application server':

Then press Start.

(Screen 1/6)

Press continue.

Important note: At this point, if the installation of the Add-On is being done with previously installed commands, the following task must be performed.

TASK at S.O. level

Connect at the S.O. level with the user <sid>adm.

Verify that you have the.PAT (NWD0020690690625_000000115.PAT) in the path /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in.

Run the unconditional mode 2 command so that the objects can be imported from the Addon correctly.

tp modbuffer < Package name Addon TESII> <SID> mode=u+2 pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_<SID>.PFL

Execution with <SID> OSD and Package name SAPK-170COINTESII:

tp modbuffer SAPK-170COINTESII OSD mode=u+2 pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_OSD.PFL

After performing these steps, return to the Saint's process and press continue.

It may be that, despite executing this task, by continuing to the next step of an error. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the TASK again at O.S. level. This mistake would be the following:

After we have solved this error, we press continue and continue with the process.

In the pop-up:

Press NO.

We can Install in dialog or batch mode (we will change the mode to  )

For batch mode:

The SPDD phase is reached.

Click on 

Click again on 

Click on Call SPDDD and adjust according to customer.

Save the corresponding settings in a transport request. Mark it as transport from the SPDD so that it can be transported during the installation process in a different environment.

Once adjusted, click on






It will be seen by the phases of the installation in the SAINT Status section.

Getting to the SPAU phase

We click on

Call the SPAU and adjust 

Save the corresponding settings in a transport request. Mark it as transport from the SPAU so that it can be transported during the installation process in a different environment.

After setting, confirm the settings 






This screen is for viewing or submitting the installation process.

By clicking on the display you will see the Add-On that has been installed.

Clicking on Do not send will take you back to the main SAINT screen. where the Add-On installation verification message will appear.

2. Installation component TESIICNC up to SP4 + Installation SPs TESII up to SP5

Once the TESII software component has been installed in its initial version 100_700, the Concilia Commons Component (TESIICNC) is installed along with the SPs up to SP4 and in turn the SPs for the TESII component up to SP5.

As for the TESII component, unzip all files: TESIICNC component, ACP for TESIICNC, SPs for TESIICNC (it is necessary to decompress all the SPs to be installed) and SPs for TESII (it is necessary to decompress all the SPs to be installed).

(In this installation example we will install the product up to SP3 TESII, SP2 TESIICNC).

Once the files have been loaded, select the TESIICNC component and press continue.

In the next screen select the last available SP for each component. In this installation example, SP2 is installed for the component TESIICNC: SAPK-10002INTESIICNC and SP3 for TESII: SAPK-10003INTESII:

All the files available for installation will then appear.

Click continue and follow the installation process as for the TESII component.

When you execute the SPAU and SPDD, save the settings in two new transport request different from the installation process in section 1. Installation of the TESII component in its initial version, since when the installation is performed in another environment, each request must be imported at a certain time. Therefore, they should not be mixed and each one should be transported when the SPAU and SPDD are triggered during the installation of the component in another environment.

3. Installation component TESII from SP6 up to SP12 + Installation component TESIICNC from SP5 up to SP13

Once you have installed component TESII with Release 0005 (SP5) and component TESIICNC with Release 0004(SP4):

rest of SPs will be installed. To do this you can follow the steps below:

SPAM transaction.

Load all the files for the installation.

Once loaded, press 

Then, you select the TESII component.

The SPs to be installed will appear in green.

Press the green check and in the next pop up, press NO.

Press the release icon.

Select the installation in the background.

If the SPAU and SPDD are triggered during this process, make the necessary adjustments.

Save the SPAU and SPDD settings to two new transport orders as these will be transported to another environment at different times than other SPAU and SPDD orders.

Once the process is finished, click on the queue confirmation icon.

Check that they have been installed correctly:

If for some reason, in the installation process, TESII SP5 and SP6 have been installed simultaneously in the same SAINT transport queue, two errors may occur in the IMPORT_PROPER phase. Refer to the following page in case of errors during this phase: Errors in phase IMPORT_PROPER during the installation of the Add-On.

If this error occurs, the tables should be adjusted after the installation is complete as follows: Retrieve product version for affected tables in the import of the installation.

Activation of BC_SETs

Once the components have been installed, you need to activate the BC_SETs to have the required setting. This process can be done following the documentation of the following link: Activating BC_SETs

FICA module installation

To install the part corresponding to the SII that applies to the FI-CA module follow the instructions in IS-U Installation Procedure

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