License activation for b+ products
After applying for the license you need to follow a few steps to activate it:
1.-Transaction "/N/BPCORE/LICENSE":Once inside we see the summary of the licenses we have and the status of them.
2.- Too add a license : Pop-Up will appear where we will have to look for the license in the corresponding location
3.- Next, another Pop-Up will appear, where you will be notified that the system is trying to access the file. Press Allow.
4.-Later we will see the license loaded. And in the general screen of the transaction you can "Refresh" and see the status. If the traffic light appears in green it means that it is loaded correctly. You can also see the description of the license status.
5.- In the same way that you can Import a new license, you can Delete an existing one by pressing .
6. Pressed You can see the description of the transaction and the contact details if you have any problems that have to do with the software licenses.
The license system creates a certificate file at the application server level, at the time the license is installed, the file is created only in the instance where you are currently working.
So, if you have several instances of the application server, you must create this file in all these instances.
To create the file in the other nodes, you must start the transaction"/n/BPCORE/LICENSE" in the other instances of the application server.
The transaction, when it detects that the certificate does not exist, it will create it on the new instance server.
To change instance server, start transaction SM51.
The list of instances appears.
Double-click on the instance where the certificate is to be created
Trigger transaction'/n/BPCORE/LICENSE' to create the certificate at the new node
After this, the license will appear in green in all instances.
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Avvale 2024