6. Problems detected b + Licenses

6. Problems detected b + Licenses

  1. Internal certificate validation

Issue Date Dec 16, 2019

Due to an internal error in the licensing component, an error is detected in all b + products that use license validation.

This validation is carried out by exclusively using the tools or processes of the b + products. It does not affect standard processes or specific product developments.

The products that are affected are the following:

  • b + electronicInvoice

  • b + SILICONE

  • b + SII (Reconcilia module only)

  • b + Cmis connector

  • b + efolder

  • b+ TicketBAI

To solve the problem a "fix" has been released. This fix consists of a transfer order that must be installed on all systems and a manual action.

1.Import order of transport

Depending on the version of the license module being used with the product, one transport order or another must be imported. The following details what order should be installed on the system where the error is occurring.

If the module used is the BPCORE, import the OT NWDK902571 into the systems.
How to detect if this module is being used:

Transaction SE80.

Find development package /BPCORE/LICENSE.

If it exists, this module is being used, the indicated OT must be imported into the systems.

This order can be downloaded from the customer portal. The first line corresponds: "Fix problem license module with BP CORE".

  • If the module used is the / EDGE / import the OT OSDK904864.

How to detect if this module is being used:

Transaction SE80.

Find development package /EDGE/ROOT_LICENSE_REL.

If it exists, this module is being used, the indicated OT must be imported into the systems.

This order can be downloaded from the customer portal. The second line corresponds: "Fix problem license module for older versions".

  • If the module used is the /EDGE/import into the systems the OT NWD902666.

How to detect if this module is being used:

Transaction SE80.

Find development package /EFOL/ROOT_LICENSE.

If it exists, this module is being used, the indicated OT must be imported into the systems.


These commands contain only workbench objects so it is only necessary to install them in a single client.


2. Manual action

If the module used is the BPCORE, execute the transaction /N/BPCORE/LICENSE.
If the module used is the /EDGE/execute transaction /N/EDGE/LICENSE.


With these two actions to be carried out in all environments, this problem is solved.


3. OT import log

After importing the corresponding transport order, Warning messages may appear in the import log. These Warnings are as follows:

These warnings can be ignored.
To verify that the transfer order has been installed correctly verify that the database table /BPCORE/ENCODING exists with the following entry:

Note: If during the correction of this problem there are doubts or an error occurs, contact us through the Service Desk tool to deal with the problem.

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