License application for b+ products

License application for b+ products

To be able to use B+ products you need to activate the license for them,

If you do not have such a license, it must be requested to es-bplussiteadmin@techedgegroup.com.

The information required to apply for the license is as follows:

1 - Product ID: Id of the product that you need the license for. Possibles IDs:

  • SIIC: B+ Concilia (For SII)
  • EFACB: B+ Electronic Invoice (Italy, Hungary, Spain) and b+ TicketBAI .
  • CMIS: B+ CMIS Connector

2 - Installation number: Installation number for the SAP system. This information can obtained from t-code SLICENSE.

3- SID: SAP System ID, three letters consisting of a three-letter identifier.

The license is valid per environment.

It is necessary to apply for a license per environment in which the product will be installed and used. So you will have to provide the necessary data for each environment.

Once you have the license you need to activate in each SAP system.

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