Upgrade to version 1.3.0 by SOFTWARE COMPONENT
Pre requirements:
Have the product installed in version 1.2.0
In this release the support package is released:
SP3 for TEFC component → TEFC_100_700_SP3.SAR
You can download this file from One Place
1 - In client 000, access transaction SPAM and import the file TEFC_100_700_SP3.SAR
2 - Click on the Display/define button to indicate the component that we are going to update:
3 - Select the TEFC component:
4 - The SP version to be installed will be displayed, in this case it will correspond to the SP3 version:
5 - When it asks if we want to import an SP adjustment order, select No:
6 - Click on the import button to start the installation:
7 - We establish that the process starts in the background:
8 - Once the process is finished, we confirm the import queue:
9 - When viewing the version of the TEFC component, it must show that it is at level 3 of SP version 100_700:
10 - In this version you must activate BC_SETs
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Avvale 2024