/ Creation conditions Hungary (/EDGE/EIHU_TR_001) in eInvoice Hungary v3.1 Creation conditions Hungary (/EDGE/EIHU_TR_001) in eInvoice Hungary v3.1

The customizing transaction “/EDGE/EIHU_TR_001 - Creation conditions Hungary” has been modified as follows:


  • Cluster view  “Active Companies” (Table: /EDGE/EIHU_VC_01): Company codes for which the electronic invoice regulation of Hungary applies should be added and marked as “Active.”



  • Cluster view  “Conditions of creation issued” (Table: /EDGE/EIHU_VC_CO):

This is similar to table /EDGE/EIHU_BU. It does not have the columns “Invoice category” and “Business unit ID”; instead, the column “Self-Billing” has been added to indicate the entries corresponding to that workflow.



  • Cluster view  “VAT Operation” (Table: /EDGE/EIHU_VC_OP): This corresponds to the table “/EDGE/EIHU_VATEX” with the main difference being the inclusion of the “Company code” column. Therefore, each entry will be unique and specific to the company indicated in each position.


  • Cluster view  “Unit of measurement” (Table: /EDGE/EIHU_UM_V): This corresponds to the table /EDGE/EIHU_UNITM.



Avvale 2024