Installation Procedure as a Software Component (PL)
We download the necessary files from One Place for the installation:
File Name | Description |
bplus.einvoice.polonia.instalació | SAR file of the main b+ eInvoice Poland Add-On |
This file can be downloaded from the One Place portal in the Installations section - b+ eInvoice Poland.
Installation Tasks
Log in to the system in English with client 000.
Go to transaction SAINT.
Upload the files for installation.
The file:
Extract the .PAT files from the previously uploaded .SAR files
Once the files have been successfully extracted, press the Start button:
Select the component EINVOPL and Continue:
As it is the first version, there are no Support Packages (SP). Press Continue:
We verify that the package is correct and press Continue.
In the following pop-up, press NO.
In the startup options, set it to run in the background process:
Click on the Continue button:
Once the process is completed, click on Finish, and in the pop-up, click on Do not send:
Check if the EINVOPL component is installed in the system.
Post-installation task
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Avvale 2024