Configuration of the states accepted by each step.

Configuration of the states accepted by each step.

Transaction /EDGE/FC_SPRO → Configuration Folders "Business Units" → "Business Units steps" → "Accepted states for step."

Through this option, you can configure when a step of the process can be executed. This determination is based on the states that the corresponding step can accept.

If no accepted states are configured, it is understood that the step can always be executed regardless of the state in which the process is, as long as the process flow can reach the corresponding step.

You must select the step to which you will assign the accepted states.

The columns that need to be configured are:

  • State Id 
    State code accepted by the step.

  • Status description

   Auto-generated by filling in the previous field "State Id ".

  • End proc.

   Auto-generated by filling in the previous field "State Id ".

  • Error pro.

   Auto-generated by filling in the previous field "State Id ".

  • Icon internas representation

   Auto-generated by filling in the previous field "State Id ".

  • Icon name

   Auto-generated by filling in the previous field "State Id ".

Example of the configuration:

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