b+ Concilia EC Add-On
The b+ Concilia SAP software consists of two software components, Concilia Commons (TESIICNC) and Concilia SAP (TESIICNS). When you intend to install b+ Concilia SAP, both components must be installed using the latest version of the existing support packages. When you intend to upgrade the product version, you must install the support packages of each of the two components as specified in the section versions of this online guide, in general, the versions of Concilia SAP present dependencies on Concilia Commons versions.
These software components are installed like any other SAP software component using the standard system tool for this function, which are the SAINT and SPAM transactions.
Installable files
In the client area (http://www.techedgegroup.es/bplus/) you can download the installation files for the b+ SII Add-On software. The installables necessary to carry out the installation are the following:
1. Concilia_SAP_100.SAR
2. TESIICNC_100_700.SAR
3. TESIICNC_100_700_SP1.sar
(These three files can be downloaded from the customer portal section v1.0.0)
4. TESIICNC_100_700_SP2.sar
5. TESIICNC_100_700_SP3.sar
6. TESIICNS_100_700_SP1.sar
(These three files can be downloaded from the customer portal v 1.1.0).
7. TESIICNC_100_700_SP4.sar
8. TESIICNC_100_700_SP5.sar
9. TESIICNC_100_700_SP6.sar
10. TESIICNS_100_700_SP2.sar
(These four files can be downloaded from the customer portal v 1.2.0)
(These six files can be downloaded from the customer portal v 1.3.0)
- Component TESIICNS → Concilia_SAP_100.SAR
- SP1 TESIICNS → TESIICNS_100_700_SP1.sar
- SP2 TESIICNS → TESIICNS_100_700_SP2.sar
- SP3 TESIICNS → TESIICNS_100_700_SP3.sar
- Component TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700.SAR
- SP1 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP1.sar
- SP2 TESICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP2.sar
- SP3 TESICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP3.sar
- SP4 TESICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP4.sar
- SP5 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP5.sar
- SP6 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP6.sar
- SP7 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP7.sar
- SP8 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP8.sar
- SP9 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP9.sar
- SP10 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP10.sar
- SP11 TESIICNC → TESIICNC_100_700_SP11.sar
Once all the files listed in the previous section are available, check the requirements for installing these files.
- SPAM level 0064
- Have the Licensing component (BPCORE) installed: b+ License ECC Add-on. It is enough to have the component installed to carry out the installation, it is not necessary to wait for the active license. If this component is not installed, it must be installed either individually or by adding the .SAR file to the installation queue along with those of the product B+ Concilia SAP.
If the BPCORE component has not been installed in the prerequisites of the TESIICNC component, the following error will occur:
Here is the step-by-step guide to make an initial installation:
1 - We start the SAINT transaction:
2 - We load the .SAR files of the current version's software components and SPs: (Named in the Terms section)
Note: If the BPCORE component has not been installed, it can be unzipped in the installation queue and installed together with the two TESIICNC and TESIICNS components.
Click unzip for each file.
3 - Once all the files are loaded, click
.Customization for communication via CSV
If the Concilia communication is going to be through CSV (/EDGE/CL_CS_CON_AEAT_CSV - reconciliation from CSVs files downloaded from AEAT), it will be necessary to download a transport order from the customer portal and install it in the system.
This order corresponds to order number OSDK902758 and is a Workbench order, which means that you only need to install it in a single client.
This command can be installed from version 1.1.0 onwards and contains only table information necessary for the correct functioning of the reconciliation through CSV. If the communication used is different, there is no need to import this command into the system.
Manual task
After installing the product it will be necessary to activate the license for the product to work. This activation process is detailed in the guide: User's guide b+ License ECC
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