Use Cases - UC-08 News
Use Cases - UC-08 News
UC-08a | NewsManagement - Add a news entry |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions |
Description | Functionality to add news entries |
Secuence |
Postconditions | Audit fields must save who created that news entry. |
Exceptions | -- |
Comments | -- |
UC-08b | NewsManagement - Update a news entry |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions |
Description | Functionality to update a category |
Secuence |
Postconditions | Audit fields must save who modified that news entry. |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primarey key does not exist. |
Comments | -- |
UC-08c | NewsManagement - Remove news entry |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions |
Description | Functionality to remove a news entry |
Secuence |
Postconditions | -- |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primary key does not exist. |
Comments | None |
UC-08d | CategoryManagement - Find news |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions |
Description | Functionality to search for news |
Secuence |
Postconditions | None |
Exceptions | None |
Comments | None |
UC-08e | NewsManagement - Get news entry |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions |
Description | Functionality to retrieve a news entry |
Secuence |
Postconditions | None |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primarey key does not exist. |
Comments | None |
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