B+SII SAP ECC Add-On 1.5.2
SAP ECC Addon |
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The company field is included as the key field when parameterizing exclusion conditions (transaction / EDGE / SII_CU_005) and auto-retention (transaction / EDGE / SII_CU_003). In case it is empty or with value "*" the parameterization will be valid for all companies. |
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New program / EDGE / SII_RESPUESTA_FTP to handle the response file received via FTP. For the processing, the parameters RESPONSE_FTP and PROCESSED_FTP must be parameterized in "Parameters Middleware". The first one will indicate the path from where our program will read the response files and the second the path where the files should be moved once they are processed. If the second parameter does not exist, the processed files will be deleted instead of being moved. |
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It includes the treatment of a new field in the parameter loading program of eDocs. The new field is called REG_ESPECIAL_ADIC. Nowadays, since this field is included in the table / EDGE / SII_CRE_IN after the creation of the loading program and is located in the middle of it, the consequence is that the loading program gives problems with the field validation when it has been altered The order of columns. |
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SLG1 / EDGE / SII log entries have been added for reworking eDocuments for both when a failure occurs and when it works correctly. |
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In the company loading program / EDGE / SII_CARGA_PARAM_SOC, a tab has been added to query and load societies of the B + SII Dashboard. As for the existing eDocuments functionality you can add new companies or reload existing company data in the Dashboard |
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In Invoices received, the mapping of the invoice issuer NIF and NIF and Reason Name of the counterpart have been modified. When the invoice type is F5 (RUA) these fields are reported with the data of the header holder. |
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The value of the Special Regime for the first semester is corrected in Invoices Received, with 14 being the new value. |
Corrección |
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Corrected messages that appeared cut in the cockpit. |
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Correction of mapping of the "Member State" field for intra-Community operations. |
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It enables the operation of the product for B+ SII Cloud asynchronous both for the sending of lots to the AEAT and to B+ Concilia. Detailed information on CONFLUENCE: {+}https://techedgespain.atlassian.net/wiki/display/BPSE/8.+Middleware+ |
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New BAdIs / EDGE/BADI_SII_MON_AL_ECC and /EDGE/BADI_SII_MON_REPROCE_ECC to allow the screen extension and data recovery in the alarm monitor tools and reprocessing of documents respectively. |
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The step in exceptional processing is retrieved using a dropdown rather than a standard SAP field. |
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The necessary adaptations are made for communication with IP 7.10. When this series is given The class /EDGE/CL_SII_COM_AEAT_PI_710 must be parameterized in the parameter |
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Usability improvements are implemented in the update cluster for parameterization of alarms. |
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Fixed an issue that caused a DUMP when a search for too many compensation documents in the cockpit. |
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Corrects the search for PR/CE eDocuments for PR/CE overrides in GOS class, alarm monitor and reprocessing tool. |
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Fixed an issue that produced additional eDocuments when creating PR/CE overrides. |
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Corrected the use of three decimal places in the total amount field when this was negative in FE/FR mappings. |
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Corrects an issue on the Correct Batch button in the cockpit for certain batches. |
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Attempting to add an intermediate eDocument to a Batch will now validate that existing parameterization allows such inclusion. IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to this change the new method GET_LOTE_FROM_EDOC is added to the BAdI /EDGE/BADI_SII_EVENTO_GEN_LOTE, in case of having implemented this BAdI the new method must be implemented. |
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If you change the period determination for the default Offset mappings, the period will be determined based on the fields in the down document instead of the fields in the overridden document. |
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If you change the period determination for the default Offset mappings, the period will be determined based on the fields in the down document instead of the fields in the overridden document. |
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Monitor amplifications alarms and reprocessing. |
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Put company in self-holdings and exclusion conditions. |
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Log of rework (reuse of standard log). |
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Exceptional processing, drop-down field instead of search help. |
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Best cluster view for parameterization alarms. |
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Correction of the third decimal place for case of total negative amount in FE and FR |
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